Terms & Conditions

Hamilton Gymnastics Club (HGC)

Recreational / PreSchool Fees policy and Terms and Conditions

To attend sessions the following payments are required: 

Monthly Session Fees

Monthly Fees are applicable for all HGC gymnasts in recreational, Pre School and all Squads (Acro, 2 piece, display, tumble, MAG, WAG).

Fees must be paid before a gymnast commences their classes and entry will be refused if payment has not been made. Payment for the missed session will still be due. If payment is not made in full by the second session, the gymnast will be removed from the register and their place in the group will be withdrawn.

Recreational and Pre school Fees

The fees for our recreational/pre school classes are set at a standard amount (based on the day of the week, length and type of class) and are payable monthly in advance.  

Monthly fee payments will be set annually, from January to December. The monthly fee payment amounts for the next year will be calculated by our admin team and sent out to parents in December of each year.

Any missed sessions throughout the year due to pre-planned activities i.e. bank holiday closures, competitions & bookings are already incorporated and reflected in the fees.

Every HGC participant will register with HGC via an account within Class4Kids and by preauthorising direct debit payments.

When a gymnast joins HGC, the fees for the joining month will be requested on joining. If the gymnast joins part of the way through the month, the fees will be adjusted accordingly. For the months following, the published monthly fee for the class they are in will apply. 

Recreational and pre school gymnasts are required to pay fees for each month that they are enrolled.

Fee reductions are available in cases of injury or hardship


Class4Kids is the company that provides the information management system through which we control the administration for all recreational and pre school classes. You will have your own personal account with Class4Kids allowing you view and manage personal details and fee payments. 

Stripe is the organisation that allows us to take both one-off and recurring payments as direct debits via Class4Kids

Paying Fees

When a gymnast joins HGC, an online account is set up for them which records the gymnast’s personal information and allows the setting up of a direct debit and the preauthorisation of payments. This allows HGC to collect the monthly payments due each month. Full details are sent with the gymnast’s joining information.

Once payments are pre-authorised, no further action is needed. Payments will be collected automatically. Payment notification emails are sent each month, however, if an active direct debit is in place, no further action is necessary. The email is just a reminder.

Payment dates set for recreational and pre school are the 1st of the month. This cannot be changed.

Failed Payments Process

If an automated payment fails, then the system will automatically try and take up to 3 further attempts. After this no further attempt will be taken and our administration team will be in touch.

Scottish/British Gymnastics Membership

Gymnasts or their parents/carers if under 18, must register for BG membership by visiting https://www.british-gymnastics.org/renewal-options. If you experience any problems registering or renewing please call the BG customer service helpline (0345 1296129).

All recreational participants will require ‘Bronze’ gymnast membership. All Pre School members will require ‘Preschool’ membership. We can’t set up SG/BG membership on any gymnast’s behalf, the process is via BG directly. BG will advise you of the current membership fee. We will check that gymnasts have current membership and gymnasts will be refused entry to classes if they can’t provide proof. No refund will be payable for missed sessions.

Withdrawals / Notice Periods

Any gymnast who leaves HGC is required to give notice, the amount of notice is as follows:

If a gymnast does not wish to continue with their class, or wishes to amend the day or time of their class, please give one month's written notice via email to hgcenquiry@gmail.comClasses cannot be transferred, offered as credit or be refunded once a payment has been made.

Subscription payment amounts will be adjusted to cover any classes that fall within your cancellation period and once that payment has been received your subscription will be cancelled.

In the event of extenuating circumstances (i.e. lockdown, flood, fire) and the gym needs to close, full fees will be taken for that month. For any subsequent months that we are forced to close we will reduce all fee payments to £10 per child. During any period of closure 2 online sessions will be available for every child to access.

In the event of a lockdown lasting more than 3 months fees will be reduced to £5 per month per child.

Our cancellation policy will apply at all times.

COVID 19 Standard Operating procedures

All gymnasts should arrive ready for class wearing a leotard and shorts/leggings/joggers with sliders or easy to put on trainers. Jackets should be left with parents where possible. Following government guidelines gymnast will NOT be able to change at the gym. Gymnasts should bring a bottle of water and their own anti-bacterial hand sanitiser. Please ensure gymnasts have a bag to put their belongings into. Please emphasise the importance of putting everything into their bag (including rubbish). There will be a one-way system with in the gym. Clear signs will be visible on all entrances and exits. All children aged 5+ MUST wear a face covering when entering and leaving the gym and also during any periods of rest. This is a rule from Scottish Gymnastics, our sports governing body, and we must adhere to it to keep everyone safe and ensure we can keep the gym open. If your child has an exemption please let the coaches know.

Drop Off

You should arrive no earlier than 5 minutes before for your class.

Gymnasts will not be allowed into the gym until the start of their class. Where possible we ask that no adult comes into the gym. This does not apply to the 18month - 3year old class. We understand there may be occasions when this has to happen but we are hoping to keep this to a minimum and it will be a maximum of one adult per family. Any adult who comes into the gym MUST wear a facemask and apply their hand sanitiser before entering.

Coaches will be wearing a mask throughout the sessions. Coaches will socially distance from the gymnasts and each other throughout the class and will NOT be supporting the gymnasts for any skills. Equipment will still be used and will be set up safely and securely to ensure a fun and challenging environment allowing gymnasts to learn and develop their gymnastics skills.

Gymnasts aged 12 plus must wear a mask into the gym and can remove this when they start training. If on a break all gymnasts should wear masks and must wear a mask when leaving the gym.

All gymnasts should bring hand sanitiser and will be asked to apply this throughout their class.

Gymnasts must take all rubbish home with them.

Pick Up

A coach will lead children out of the gym to the pick up area where they should be met by a parent/guardian. No child will be allowed out of the gym until an adult has arrived in the car park. In the event you are late to pick up your child please phone .